Tuesday, July 21, 2015

And then there was one.


As many of you know, we have a couple of fur babies that I fondly refer to as the kids. They are a huge part of our lives and we were very fortunate to have found them. Thanks to my sister, we rescued them as kittens and for the last nine years they have ruled the house. I am not ashamed to admit that we have adapted to their needs as opposed to forcing them to adapt to ours! 

Sadly, Sam became ill and for the last year or so he has been, as the vet said, "living on borrowed time". That time ended yesterday afternoon. 

Hopefully, he is curled up on a sofa with his best bud Truly, pain free and purring.

Isobel and Sampson

Typical Sam, what do you mean you want to put fruit in this bowl?
Best buds

He loved his sister, they often curled up together.

He loved Truly. Always made me think of the song from the Fox and the Hound, they were the best of friends...

He loved B. He would always lay on the floor next to him and when B moved, Sam followed!

Puppy love
As he got older, the splayed out position became his favorite.

Waiting for his turn to watch cat tv


One of his best faces

Handsome boy!

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